Competitions & Programs Plan
Why a Competitions, Clubs & Programs Plan?
For Leagues & Associations, understanding how to structure your Competitions and Programs while supporting your members Clubs is essential for long-term success.
A Competitions, Clubs & Programs Plan will help you to evaluate your Association/League’s existing Structures, Programs, and Policies. This will allow you to better define your responsibilities and ensure that you are able to keep Member Clubs and Participants engaged and happy.
What does a Competition, Clubs & Programs Plan Include?
Club Builder’s Strategic Competition, Clubs & Programs Framework
A concise Club Action Plan, detailing the next steps that the Club needs to take to implement the plan
A comprehensive program/competition structure for the Club
Identification of areas of opportunity for the Club based on sport, location, demographics, and other factors
Visualisations of multiple future growth scenarios for your Association/League, with specific analysis of growth by age-group, development phase, program, and gender
Upon completion, the comprehensive plan is the Club’s to keep and is presented to the Club’s committee at the Boardroom Briefing.
Timeframe: 3 – 4 Weeks